We start all of our vegetables from organic heirloom seeds
Meet the Team
Audrey Gabel
I grew up on an organic farm before it was cool. I dreamed of being able to own and run my own farm throughout my younger adulthood. I am thrilled to finally homestead again as my passion is growing a variety of organically grown clean food and products for my family and yours.
Chief Security Officer
Bear is an Anatolian Shepherd. and a true LGD (Livestock Guardian Dog) doing his rounds throughout the day to ensure no predators come too close.
Since Bear became a team member, we have not had any trouble with coyotes. Good boy!!!
Chief Trouble Maker & Lap Pup
Tank, a Boston Terrier (my lap puppy) thinks he runs the roost. When not napping he can be found terrorizing the other two dogs trying to keep them in line.